Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So Excited To Start!!

I am so excited about the Miami Type 1 group!

As diabetics, WE are the ones bombarded with so much of this faux health food. "Diet" foods are strongly advertised and recommended by our doctors as an aide to help control our blood sugars.

Through my personal experience with the Path, I found that the diet drinks and the fat-free, artificially sweetened foods were hurting my body instead of helping me. I was never satisfied with the faux foods and as a result, it seemed my appetite was uncontrollable.

I always felt weak for being hungry and I felt absolutely ashamed when I would sneak a real food like butter instead of promise margarine! My HbA1c was sky high and I believed it was completely my fault.

I now realize that my body was completely overwhelmed dealing with the artificial additives in the foods I was eating (in my cereals, my breads, my granola bars, diet sodas, etc.). And I was starving for real food, real nutrition. My body didn't have a spare minute or scrap of nutrition to deal with the underlying problem of the diabetes itself... it was too busy trying to handle the unnecessary toxins I was constantly shoveling in.

It was my fault that my diabetes was out of control, but I was saved by the truth of the Path Program. I was given the tools to fix the problem. Now my HbA1c is always right around 6, perfection! And I savor my tiny bits of real butter on occasion with complete and utter pleasure, no guilt!

Cholesterol came way down, triglycerides are low, you know the happy ending!

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